The Secret No So Secret Words of Jesus

“ Listen, I’m telling you a secret: All of us won’t die, but we will all be changed.” - 1 Corinthians 15:51 CEB - Secrets are so great and so awful! We love to be the one with knowledge to share with someone else. But we hate to be left out of the loop. Often we are afraid that secrets shared without us are designed to hurt us or are about us or we simply do not want to be left out of the loop. Yet we can’t help but draw in close for someone whispering into our ear. Yet some secrets are so important that they need to be shared with everyone. Instead of being told in quiet corners and subtle conversations, they need to be shouted for all from the rooftops. Of all secrets the message of Jesus is needed to be told to all! Jesus lived, served, died and rose again to bring us new life. Just as Christ died, so we die to who we think we need to be and instead are allowed to be transformed into who God created us to be. Both now and forever more! The best part is t...