Uniquely You
We have many parts in one body, but the parts don’t all have the same function. In the same way, though there are many of us, we are one body in Christ, and individually we belong to each other. We have different gifts that are consistent with God’s grace that has been given to us.
Romans 12:4-6
I was never very good in science classes. I struggled in physics, chemistry, and I especially struggled in Biology. While physics and chemistry were extremely challenging because of the math (which I am also pretty bad at), biology was a whole different struggle because of the complexity of the human body. I was not good at knowing where organs or bones were, I didn’t really understand how anything worked, and I was NOT good at memorizing. As a result of my struggle with biology, I never connected strongly with the imagery of the “body of Christ”. I always got that we are the hands and the feet of Christ but, if we are the BODY, who is the eyeball? or the kidney or liver? What about the rest of the body?
I think that this verse from Romans paints an amazing picture of the body of Christ. I love this reminder that all of the parts of the body have different functions. The lungs are very different from the kidney, and the brain is so different from the heart. Similar to the parts that make up our body, we who make up the body of Christ are very different as well. God has made us all unique with different personalities, interests, and gifts. Is it not amazing to think about God sitting down and thinking about what YOU would be like? Him deciding if you’re going to be a tennis player, or maybe a drummer, an artist, or a dancer. God created us to be unique so that we can find our unique place in Christs body. We can use the gifts that God has given us to be the hands and feet, and show the love and grace of God.
What we don’t always realize is that gifts come in many different forms. Things such as being artistic, musical, athletic, or great in school are definitely gifts that people possess, but gifts can be so many things! Things such as being a good listener, making people smile, or making people laugh are gifts, and that is just the beginning of the list. So if your gift is being funny, or being really good at math, remember that God made you unique for a reason. He created us to be “one body in Christ". The biology just simply doesn't work without our unique differences and gifts.
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