Whole World in His Hands

"The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it,

    the world and its inhabitants too.
Because God is the one who established it on the seas;
    God set it firmly on the waters."

Psalm 24: 1-2 

Image result for world in hands

I've always loved those camp songs about God that I learned when I was a kid. Songs like "This Little Light of Mine" or "Father Abraham" still get stuck in my head to this day. The catchy lyrics, and fun melody make it so when you learn those songs, you will never forget them! When I read this scripture passage from Psalms, the first thing I thought of was "he's got the whole world in his hands, he's got the whole world in his hands". I started thinking about how something as simple as a children's song actually hold so much truth and knowledge about God. 

It is important to spend time in our faith recognizing the power and strength of God. I think it is amazing that we worship a God that wants to be so personal with us. How unique that God who created the universe, that knows everything, also wants to be one-on-one with us. This passage from Psalms reminds me of how powerful God truly is.

Life can be so overwhelming that it can often feel like everything happening is out of our control. From relationships ending, natural disasters, or a death in the family, sometimes it is easy to feel small and powerless in such a big world. This verse is a reminder that God is in everything in the world, and that God is the world. When we feel powerless or scared we can always remember that we have a powerful God with us. 

When I was writing this devotional I was searching for a list of words describing God. There is something I really loved about reading through all these descriptive words about God, and the picture it painted. We don't get to meet God in the same way we meet each other. Part of our walk with God is seeking Him out and learning about Him through our experiences, and the Bible. 
Here are some of my favorite words I found that painted an interesting picture in my head about God: Alive, anointed, beautiful, benevolent, complete, devout, dependable, guardian, immaculate, protective, and superb.

To read more: Psalm 24


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