With Full and Endless Sight

"For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known."

I've had this song stuck in my head for a few weeks now. It's been on repeat in my mind and it goes like this; "We walk by faith and not by sight. No gracious words have we to hear from him who spoke as no 'ere spoke, but we believe him near. We may not touch his hands and side, nor follow where his feet have trod, but in his promise we rejoice and cry my Lord and my God. Help then Lord our unbelief and let now our faith abound. Let us call on thee when thou art near, and to seek where thou art found. That when our life of faith is done in realms of clearer, glorious light, we may behold you as thou art, in full and endless sight. I need no other argument, I need no other plea. It is enough that Jesus died and that he died for me."

For the first 16 days of this new year, I was traveling through the Holy Land, walking where Jesus did and standing where he stood. I kept thinking that having tangible, on the ground experiences with this sacred land would somehow enhance my faith or make the Bible more real. In truth, I discovered it was not about what I was seeing that made my faith more alive. Rather, it was discovering that I cannot know it all. I do not see clearly now, but I have a promise that one day, I may see face to face, in full and endless sight. 

It's tempting to want all the answers, to know what the next step is or where my life is supposed to be headed. But if traveling in the footsteps of Christ taught me anything, it taught me that I may not get the solid proof and knowledge I want, yet in the promise of God, I rejoice. Help then Lord my unbelief. 


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